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  Jammu derives its name from Raja Jamboo Lochan who founded the city in Fourtheenth century B.C. Later in 1820 Maharaja Gulab Singh got the Jagir of Jammu from Maharaj Ranjit Singh. In 1846 Kashmir was sold to Maharaj Gulab Singh and thus became the State of Jammu & Kashmir. One of the most illustrious king to rule the state of Jammu and Kashmir for 22 years (1922-1947) was Maharaja Hari Singh. A secular, social reformer and patriotic ruler, Maharaja Hari Singh made conspicuous contribution to the state.

Jammu and Kashmir has the distinction of having multifaceted, variegated and unique cultural blend, making it distinct from the rest of the country, not only from the different cultural forms and heritage, but from geographical, demographically, ethical, social entities, forming a distinct spectrum of diversity and diversions into Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh, all professing diverse religion, language and culture, but continuously intermingling, making it vibrant specimens of Indian unity amidst diversity. Its different cultural forms like art and architecture, fair and festivals, rites and rituals, seer and sagas, language and mountains, embedded in ageless period of history, speak volumes of unity and diversity with unparalleled cultural cohesion and heritage.
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